About our venture

VidhiAagaz was established with a small team of just 5 faculties being led by our Chairperson, which grew up to 50+ Academicians and Professionals in the span of  Four and a half years!

About US

Our Story

We (VidhiAagaz®) are a team of 50+ Academicians and Professional spread across 6 countries registered under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, GOI via UAM No. MP40D0012645 and ISO 9001:2015 certified educational venture specialised in academic publication. We publish 3 International Journals and 2 series of Books, which are indexed at prestigious databases like Manupatra, Google Scholar etc.

Papers Published



Higher Institutes

Papers Published



Higher Institutes

Established in 20th July 2017, VidhiAagaz is now a team of 50+ Academicians / Professionals spread across 7 countries i.e. India, France, Nigeria, Ireland, Indonesia, Cameroon and Ethopia. 



International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [IJLMH]

IJLMH is an online bi-monthly scholarly peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal bearing  ISSN 2581-5369. 

It has an Impact Factor of 6.560 and is Indexed in various databases, including HeinOnline and Manupatra.

International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [IJLSI]

IJLSI is an online, bi-monthly, scholarly peer-reviewed Legal  journal bearing ISSN 2581-9453.

It is Indexed in various databases including Manupatra and Google Scholar.

International Journal of Integrated Law Review [IJILR]

IJILR is an open access, online quarterly blinded peer reviewed International Legal Journal with a multidisciplinary orientation providing an advanced forum for discussion.


Book Series



Presently at VOLUME – 13 [Available at Kindle]


Law & Social Issues

Presently at Volume 9 [Available at Kindle]


What they Say

When I attended the National Conference organized by you, I was awestruck by the way it was conducted. Thank you for inviting me to witness the highest level of enthusiasm, team-spirit and organizing skills

Mr. Jigar Kantharia

Officer, Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

It was real pleasure meeting you all and interacting with all the intellectuals and experts working in the different domain. I really enjoyed your full day company @ViACON 2k18. “Dear VidhiAagaz Team, Your’re the Best”

Mr. Gopal Singh Jadon

Assistant Librarian, Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

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