India’s Leading Academic Publisher!
For us its not just about your CV, it’s about building your capabilities.
India’s Leading Academic Publisher!
For us its not just about your CV, it’s about building your capabilities.
Our publications are indexed at

& Many More Databases!

& Many More Databases!

Research Assistance
We take worshops on Academic Legal Research to acheive our aim of producing BEST Research Manuscripts.

We publish Research Manuscripts in our Globally acclaimed 3 International Journals and 2 Book Series.

Certificate Course
Our subsidiary venture CLRS Academy is dedicated to impart Knowldge based certification at Affordable Charges.
About US
Our Story
We (VidhiAagaz®) are a team of 50+ Academicians and Professional spread across 6 countries registered under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, GOI via UAM No. MP40D0012645 and ISO 9001:2015 certified educational venture specialised in academic publication. We publish 3 International Journals, which are indexed at prestigious databases like Manupatra, Google Scholar etc.

Papers Published
Higher Institutes
Papers Published
Higher Institutes
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Get one step ahead of everyone by getting FREE DOI along with your publication in MANUPATRA and GOOGLE SCHOLAR indexed Journal.
Why Choose Us?
Indexed by Prestigious Databases
Our Journals are indexed in more than 26 Databases including HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA and GSCHOLAR.
Over 14000 Authors
Over 14000 Authors including high number of Advocates, Professional and Academicians have trusted us!
Always Developing
We always try to be better than what we were yesterday, and we are proud to be the first to promote Indexing and DOI in Indian Legal Publishing Industry.
Globally Acclaimed Editors
Our Editorial Board consists of Globally Acclaimed Professionals and Academicians only.

Professional team
top-quality services
author support
quick publication
Book Series
Presently at VOLUME – 13 [Available at Kindle]
Law & Social Issues
Presently at Volume 9 [Available at Kindle]
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [IJLMH]
IJLMH is an online bi-monthly scholarly peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal bearing ISSN 2581-5369.
It has an Impact Factor of 6.560 is Indexed at 26 databases including HeinOnline, Manupatra and Google Scholar
International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [IJLSI]
IJLSI is an online, bi-monthly, scholarly peer-reviewed Legal journal bearing ISSN 2581-9453.
It is Indexed at databases including Manupatra and Google Scholar.
We’ve worked with

Frequently Asked
Do you publish books also?
Yes. We are registered publishers at Raja Ram Mohan Roy Agency and publish books with legal and valid ISBN. We even have 2 Book series where you can publish research papers.
How can we publish a research paper with you?
Visit the Journals/Book Section of the website, select the journal you want to get published at. On journal’s website, you can submit the research paper. If you have more than 1 research paper (in a year), you can also choose Memberships. In case of any help, feel free to contact at
How many days do you take for review?
It takes around 2-5 days for review of papers.
How does the Membership works?
Membership is for Author(s) who want to published more than 1 research paper with us. We have different membership option from 2 to 5 papers, to make it more affordable and better for you as we also include a FREE Research Workshop with memberships.
How can we connect with you?
Drop us an email at and we will contact you within 2 working days. For Quick response, connect us via instagram @vidhiaagaz

Frequently Asked
Do you publish books also?
Yes. We are registered publishers at Raja Ram Mohan Roy Agency and publish books with legal and valid ISBN. We even have 2 Book series where you can publish research papers.
How can we publish a research paper with you?
Visit the Journals/Book Section of the website, select the journal you want to get published at. On journal’s website, you can submit the research paper. If you have more than 1 research paper (in a year), you can also choose Memberships. In case of any help, feel free to contact at
How many days do you take for review?
It takes around 2-5 days for review of papers.
How does the Membership works?
Membership is for Author(s) who want to published more than 1 research paper with us. We have different membership option from 2 to 5 papers, to make it more affordable and better for you as we also include a FREE Research Workshop with memberships.
How can we connect with you?
Drop us an email at and we will contact you within 2 working days. For Quick response, connect us via instagram @vidhiaagaz